Carole's Clutter - dog stories

Assorted doggie stories originally posted on the Beardie Bulletin board. Lots of dog owner vignettes - hope you enjoy them!

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Well, I'm 42 and incredibly lucky - I'm married to my best friend. Also in my life are two spoiled mutts,two younger brothers that turned out great despite our childhood battles, two great sister-in-laws, four fantastic nieces, two fun nephews, and the requisite two parents, both of whom spoil me dreadfully. I fill my time with work, playing with 'the boys' (dogs), avoiding housework, reading everything I can lay my hands on, some gardening, some minor home repairs, photographing everything that doesn't manage to escape me, and hanging out with friends and their families.

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  • Wednesday, May 19, 2004

    "Nervous Nellie" Midas

    By Carole on Thursday, October 3, 2002 - 04:11 am:
    Help! The vet kept Midas overnight after neutering him, and called me the next morning to pick him up ASAP. Midas Houdini, did a jailbreak out of his kennel area during the night and met them at the front door, but was so freaked out/frightened that he wouldn't let them near him. They backed him into a dirty area in the grooming area and called me.

    Vet said that he did NOT attempt to harm any of the other animals or go after the employees except to warn them off of touching himself, did lunge when they tried to grab him, but did not bite. His take on this is a high strung dog with severe seperation anxiety. Said neutering was definitely a good step and to be aware that he is a fearful dog.

    Weird thing is that I've taken him to the pet stores and hardware stores and he behaves beautifully on leash (with head collar), is eager to meet children and will sit at my side if approached by a child, watch them excitedly and wag his tail! He likes people but really seems to light up for children.

    I do agree that he is a very high strung dog, exceptionally smart and very sensitive to his environment, and I have tried to deal with him in a calm manner - not always easy as I feel like I'm running trying to keep a half step ahead of him most of the time - he's too darn smart!

    Any thoughts? We start a group obedience class on Saturday and I just located a private trainer that will do obedience/agility for $10 a lesson. It's a little bit of a drive but worth it I think.


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