Carole's Clutter - dog stories

Assorted doggie stories originally posted on the Beardie Bulletin board. Lots of dog owner vignettes - hope you enjoy them!

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Well, I'm 42 and incredibly lucky - I'm married to my best friend. Also in my life are two spoiled mutts,two younger brothers that turned out great despite our childhood battles, two great sister-in-laws, four fantastic nieces, two fun nephews, and the requisite two parents, both of whom spoil me dreadfully. I fill my time with work, playing with 'the boys' (dogs), avoiding housework, reading everything I can lay my hands on, some gardening, some minor home repairs, photographing everything that doesn't manage to escape me, and hanging out with friends and their families.

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  • Wednesday, May 19, 2004

    Dusty's eulogy

    By Carole on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 11:51 pm:
    After a difficult day Dusty seemed to be feeling better, so I went to the grocery store to get him some canned food that he loved. While there, my car battery died, and when I got home Dusty had already left me. I hate that he was alone. It appeared to have just occurred when I got home; I think his heart just got tired of working so was a wonderfully big and loving heart, but it was so tired. I think maybe he knew what was planned for tomorrow and he wanted to be at home instead.

    I think most of you knew him and will remember his bright eyes and laughing face, but I'd like to share a few of my favorite memories. He came to me as a 5 yr old neglected/abused animal that was pathetically grateful just to have an indoor home, and food on a regular basis. He accepted loving and petting, but would immediately leave and curl up in a corner when you stopped stroking him. When he realized that he could 'ask' for attention and GET it, he blossomed into his new life. Over the next 6.5 years he brought laughter to my life on a regular basis...the time I looked up while doing the dishes and found him looking at me from a doorway, with my underwear hanging out of his mouth. Or the few times when he decided his proper bed was curled up on my pillow...with his 'brother' curled up on Rob's! His years of insisting on greeting me home with a lick on my nose...and his jumping to do it - on his bad hip. His amazing 'spaghetti spine' that allowed me to see his face and his butt side by side... And no one will ever forget seeing his wild spins when asked if he wanted to go for a ride! He even managed to convince my grandmother to cut up an apple and feed it to him by hand! And she's no doggy pushover! He loved the front porch of our new home - I often saw him standing at the top of the steps, surveying his realm. And, once he was convinced that Mr. T was not a doggy snack, he tolerated the most shameless puppy abuse with the patience of a saint, and really seemed to enjoy the puppies company.

    When I returned from taking him to our local pet crematorium the puppies sniffed my shirt very intently and then licked my face - so I think some of his loving nature must have been passed along. A little farewell gift from the fuzzmonster.

    Thank you all for sharing these years of his life with me...he was truly a treasure and a faithful and loving companion through some of the toughest times in my life.


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