Carole's Clutter - dog stories

Assorted doggie stories originally posted on the Beardie Bulletin board. Lots of dog owner vignettes - hope you enjoy them!

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Well, I'm 42 and incredibly lucky - I'm married to my best friend. Also in my life are two spoiled mutts,two younger brothers that turned out great despite our childhood battles, two great sister-in-laws, four fantastic nieces, two fun nephews, and the requisite two parents, both of whom spoil me dreadfully. I fill my time with work, playing with 'the boys' (dogs), avoiding housework, reading everything I can lay my hands on, some gardening, some minor home repairs, photographing everything that doesn't manage to escape me, and hanging out with friends and their families.

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  • Wednesday, May 19, 2004

    Midas hurts his paw...

    By Carole on Sunday, February 1, 2004 - 09:27 pm:
    At least not for the vet. Monsieur Midas, at some point today, managed to step on an unidentified sharp object, cutting into the side of one of his left rear pads and then turning and slicing out the top of the pad. He never yelped, barked, whined or limped - I discovered it had happened when I found him lying on my bed (on top of several loads of CLEAN clothes) bleeding.

    My suspicion is a steak knife - as they've been very bad lately about stealing used cutlery off the counter to taste. I haven't found the item yet, but am sure I will find it in some totally bizarre location.

    Fortunately, he was inside when it happened so it wasn't full of dirt, and it bled well (cleaning it out). It wasn't an arterial cut, thank God! At first I tried to doctor it myself but when I saw the angle of cut I decided to take him to doggy ER. They were swamped, and M and I were having a picnic in the parking lot as he gets spastic around other dogs, and the waiting room was small with a German shepherd and a black lab already waiting. After an hour, a tech came out, attempted to look at it - which is when I discovered that he had no problem letting me look at it, but he wasn't putting up with it from any one else! She looked at it, said they couldn't/wouldn't stitch it because of infection concerns and told me what to do to take care of it. Good thing - no charge. Bad thing - I had to dress his foot! LOL We're speaking again now, but I'm still getting baleful looks periodically.

    Now I'm off to clean up all the little red doggy footprints that are all over the house!

    They do keep life interesting, don't they?


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