Carole's Clutter - dog stories

Assorted doggie stories originally posted on the Beardie Bulletin board. Lots of dog owner vignettes - hope you enjoy them!

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Well, I'm 42 and incredibly lucky - I'm married to my best friend. Also in my life are two spoiled mutts,two younger brothers that turned out great despite our childhood battles, two great sister-in-laws, four fantastic nieces, two fun nephews, and the requisite two parents, both of whom spoil me dreadfully. I fill my time with work, playing with 'the boys' (dogs), avoiding housework, reading everything I can lay my hands on, some gardening, some minor home repairs, photographing everything that doesn't manage to escape me, and hanging out with friends and their families.

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  • Friday, November 19, 2004

    "da Boys" holding the bed down, as usual"

    Midas in the midst of chaos - what a surprise! I can't blame this chaos on him as I created most of it...(sigh)

    It used to seem like such a BIG bed too...

    Mr. T, (aka T-Whilliker) poised for action

    Squeezing into his favorite chair

    Sleeping beauty!

    T is SO sleepy - if only I had just settled down so he could catch up on his napping! Posted by Hello

    Monday, November 15, 2004

    Midas - entertaining himself...

    Our weather turned cooler last week and the boys gained a huge burst of energy. Last Thursday night, Midas couldn't settle down. He wasn't being difficult by staying up playing with T or being destructive, but he was restless, going from place to place every 15 or 20 minutes.

    After I'd been asleep for about an hour a strange noise woke me up. I was sleeping so well and was so relaxed that I fought waking up, but finally realized I just HAD to know what was going on. I sat up, flipped on the light and looked over to see Midas, just as he re-emerged from my dresser drawer with my pajamas dangling from his mouth. At his feet was a small pile of the clothing he'd already neatly removed.

    As I gaped, he glared and I could see his thoughts as clearly as if he could speak. "WHAT?! I'm not making noise, I'm not tearing them up... and I'm BORED..." LOL What to do?